
We are currently redesigning our website. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you need assistance or resources, please reach out to us:

Contact Us

Give Us A Call - (360) 823-2247
Email -

Darla Helt – Executive Director  darlah@peacenw.org

Jan Pound– Admin info@peacenw.org

Theresa Van Pelt – Parent to Parent Clark County  P2PCC@peacenw.org

Hattie Larinov – Clark County Parent Coalition hatties@peacenw.org

Tanya English – Clark County Parent Coalition (linea en Español)  tanyae@peacenw.org

Darci Ladwig - Housing Coordinator darcil@peacenw.org

Addie Alvarez - Administrative Assistant adaha@peacenw.org

Mona Fuerstenau - monaf@peacenw.org

Erin Maher - emaher@peacenw.org